Tuesday 28 February 2012

They said it....can you believe it..? Thoughts for talk 2

Thoughts for talk...Child and youth Care Workers said these things in training........

1. In Alexander Township...ON DEFIANCE:
We don't really know what you are talking about ------our children do as they are told.

2. The worst thing that happens to me in my work is that the children don't show respect.
ME :  Tell me. What do they do when they don't show respect?
 Mr B, unless you are an African, you will never know !.

3.  She's afraid of cows !! Can you imagine a child care worker afraid of cows!!?

4. A learner was constantly sneezing and yawning long and loudly in class during training.
ME  :  Lerato! Why are you so tired?
Another Child and youth care learner * seriously and in explanation*: Mr B, she's got ancestors.

5. Almost all the female learners were dozing off in class.
ME: Come on, whats going on here today?
Response:  She's pregnant.  Mr B, When we are together with someone who is pregnant, then we women ..we all want to sleep.
It's true Mr B !

6. Tswana speaking learner:
We don't have a culture,......what is European.....that's our culture.

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