Thursday 2 February 2012

Dumped on a plate of food

They came as a bunch,squashed together muscle to muscle all on the narrow steps. A plate of food.. a Sunday lunchtime meal held out in front of them and under my nose.

Because of the contrast, I thought of little Oliver Twist. He walked on his own right up to the Beagle. "Please Sir, I want some more"

  " you wouldn't give this to your dog!!"
  " you wouldn't give this to your dog!!"

The body to body  tensed, clustered tight. The plate of Sunday lunch was pushed forward closer to my face.

"Whats wrong with it?"

"It's S**t,  eat it yourself and see."

Honestly, it didn't look that appetizing, but then, it didn't look that bad at all, It  had been prepared in advanced and heated, but it wasn't  that bad at all.

"We're not going to eat this s**t "

'This has nothing to do with food" , I thought. What the hell has gone wrong now.

"It's that kitchen supervisor. She doesn't care a f*** about us. She's just interested in herself. She's time off. She's not there. She's with her own children in her flat and they're eating nice. I hope they choke to death!!"

SO, there it was, .....   a rainbow sentence, all the colours coming out in one short, shouted cry and a system dumped on a plate of food.----"don't care about us", "self interested", "not there" "own children" "eating nice".

"You wouldn't give this to your dog"  and ...I'm not exempt.. I'm different, set apart, better than the life of a domestic animal.

"Are we dogs?" It was a voice from the back of the bunch, more like a growl.

"Tomorrow there is a staff meeting, but now,what about this plate of food, what about now?"

" OK guys, here's the deal. I get the kitchen supervisor, she opens the store room, you get to choose some stuff for lunch, she goes back to her flat and you get to cook it yourselves."

and it worked!!

A grumbling kitchen supervisor, some gawky eyed guys in the holy of holies and me with a bunch of guys having baked beans on buttered bread for lunch.

.....and the original pre-prepared... well maybe we can heat it up again for the staff at Monday's staff meeting.


1 comment:

  1. You have to find the little word comment and then you are given a space in which to make one. Perhaps my own comment will open up the boxes. lets see.BJL
