Monday 23 April 2012

Are they really .."into" us ?

There was one of those "10 Ways to Know" links on the M-Web home page and for some whimsical reason I clicked the link for, "10 ways to know if she is really 'into' you."

Some of these were:

1. She responds to your text messages immediately.

2. She leans forward when you speak because she is really interested in what you have to say

3. She shares with you

4. She frequently makes enquiries of you, just to find out where you are and how you are doing.

5. She keeps you informed of her daily status

I wondered whether these could be used as measures also of whether authorities, politicians, policy makers and others are "really into " us as  the profession of child and youth care.

SO...... here goes !!

1. How long do we wait as a profession to get responses to our letters of correspondence or enquiries. Do they respond immediately, or are our letters and issues put on the 'back burner' giving us the impression that they have more important issues to deal with?

2. When we speak as a profession, are we heard with interest. Do the authorities show an interest in what we have to say by 'leaning forward' to take it in?

3. Are we fed, nurtured and cared for by authorities and other professions?

4. Are we asked as a profession with interest about how we are getting along in our journey toward recognition. - like.... " How are you getting along  with the universities offering your degree?" And are we offered help?

5. Are we constantly and immediately given feedback and kept informed on how the process of our recognition and issues are unfolding?

Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm.. I wonder

Are they really "into" us????????????


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