Monday, 31 December 2012

Happy 2013 Year of the Child and Youth care Worker !!!

This is  self proclaimed ............. 2013.. The Year of the Child and Youth Care worker. In South Africa in particular we need to strategise a year that highlights the professionality of the Child and Youth Care Worker. The idea is that we... the people on the ground, the stake-holders par excellence, the people who really count, or should be counted, will use the avenues that are available to us to proclaim and make  known our importance in the development of the Nation and the lives of children. I have a hope that what we may be able to do this year will find the support of the international Child and Youth Care community .. world wide or that what we WILL and CAN do to promote the profession in South Africa will serve as an inspiration to other countries where there is a struggle for recognition,, In South Africa we say "VIVA" (long Live) Child and Youth Care "Pambhile" ... ( upward!!).

We have had movements in this country before and those movements lead us into a democracy. Now we will have a 2013 Movement to lead child and youth care into a recognized and respected profession and.... a force to be reckoned with .
Happy 2013. child and youth care workers. ... OUR YEAR... now is the time GRAB IT>!!!